Conceptual Model of Psychic Profile of Chessplayers with Health Deviations



PhD, Associate Professor I.V. Mikhaylova1
Dr. Hab., Associate Professor S.N. Fomina1
1Russian State Social University, Moscow

Objective of the study was to develop and experimentally substantiate a conceptual model of psychic profiling for chess players with health deviations, which implied the implementation of integrated pedagogical control in mass sports and elite sports.
Methods and structure of the study. The study was carried out from 2005 through 2015 on the basis of the Internet portal "Chess Planet"; Moscow state budgetary institutions; territorial centers of social services "Alekseevsky" and "Yuzhnoportovy"; Chess House of RSSU. The sample was made of 1257 chess players with health deviations.
Results of the study. The findings had made it possible:
- to determine the component composition and highlight the most professionally significant qualities of chess players with health deviations in the training and competitive process based on the psychic profiling method;
- to set up a base of criteria for diagnostics of professionally significant intellectual and mnemonic functions of chess players;
- to build an individualized psychodiagnostic model of integrated control of mental abilities and conditions of chess players with health deviations;
- to outline the prospects of adaptive chess sport as a mechanism of socialization and social integration of the target contingent.
Conclusion. The experiment had made it possible to transform individual’s intellectual potential into a sports result, namely: 72 chess players had the titles by the Unified Sports Classification System of Russia, 39 athletes achieved an international chess rating.

Keywords: chess sport, psychic profile, individuals with health deviations, short term memory, operational thinking, evaluation function, psychographic method.


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