Involvement of Students in All-Russian Project «From Student Credit to GTO Badge»



Postgraduate student I.D. Kharisov1
PhD, Associate Professor I.N. Nikulin2
PhD, Associate Professor A.V. Voronkov2
PhD V.A. Malakhov2
1South Ural State National Research University, Chelyabinsk
2Belgorod State National Research University, Belgorod

Objective of the present study was to analyze the involvement of students in the social project "From Student Exam to GTO Badge" and assess their fitness level.
Methods and structure of research. 36 102 students (52% boys, 48% girls) from 226 universities of Russia from 65 subjects of the Russian Federation took part in the project. 
To assess the level of physical fitness, the authors used an easier form of the physical fitness testing “From Student Exam to GTO Badge”, focused on the wide coverage of students and the state of the sports infrastructure of Russian universities.
The article contains an analysis of the All-Russian Sports Competition "From Student Exam to GTO Badge", which provides for training of 17-28 year-old students in order for them to pass the standard tests of two difficulty levels: to qualify for the Gold and Silver Badges of the All-Russian Physical Culture and Sports Complex "Ready for Labor and Defense". To get a Student Credit, it is necessary to pass at least five tests for the relevant qualifying standard that help evaluate the level of development of speed, coordination, strength abilities, and flexibility. A distinctive feature of the Project is its simplified format as compared to the All-Russian Physical Culture and Sports Complex. In the first season, the Project involved a total of 36,102 students from 226 universities and 65 territorial entities of the Russian Federation. It was found that 14.5% of students were able to qualify for the GTO Gold Badge and 19.85% - for the GTO Silver Badge. Results and conclusions. The Central Federal District was the first in the number of successful qualifiers for the Badges, the North Caucasian Federal District – in the percentage of badge holders from the total number of participants. Belgorod State National Research University and Tyumen State Oil and Gas University took the lead in the number of participants.

Keywords: All-Russian Physical Culture and Sports Complex, student exam, Association of Student Sports Clubs of Russia, physical fitness.


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