Повышение экономичности бега в спортивной подготовке студентов вузов, занимающихся бегом на средние дистанции


R.N. Volodin1
Dr.Hab., Professor V.D. Kryazhev2
1Branch of Military Academy of Logistics, Penza
2Federal Science Center for Physical Culture and Sports (FRS VNIIIFK), Moscow

Keywords: students, middle-distance running, pulse cost per meter, anaerobic threshold, heart rate.

Introduction. Middle-distance running is one of the most accessible forms of physical activity. Students are limited in time for training sessions due to high employment, which requires the search for effective means of managing training regimes.
The purpose of the study is to improve the training methods of University students engaged in middle-distance running, when assessing their functional state.
Methodology and organization of the study. The experiment involved two groups of students numbering 20 and 26 people engaged in middle-distance running. The age of the subjects is 19-21 years. The result in the 1500 m race was 4.05, 1-4. 46.7 min, s, on average-4.24, 5 ± 9.8 min, s. the Subjects were tested in the laboratory. In treadmill running with a step-increasing speed, the anaerobic threshold and the pulse cost per meter of the path were determined using the formula: PS = heart rate÷ V, where PS is the pulse cost per meter of the path (UD/m); heart rate is the heart rate (UD / min); V – running speed (m / min) at the level of the anaerobic threshold. The training program of the experimental group participants was distinguished by the inclusion in the weekly microcycle of two training sessions (Monday and Friday) – running on long stretches (2-4 times 800-1200 m at a speed of 90-105% of the anaerobic threshold), one training session (Wednesday) - a pace run for 4-6 km at a speed of 90-95% of the anaerobic threshold. The duration of the experiment was nine months – from September to June. The running load for the annual cycle is characterized by a total volume of 960-1000 km. This is 2-3 times less than what is usually used in training programs for student runners.
The results of the study and their discussion. In the experimental group, there was an increase in athletic performance in the 1500 m run by 17.1 seconds (from 4.24, 3±6.3 minutes, from 4.07, 2±4.2 minutes, with p<0.05), and in the control group, where classes were held according to traditional programs – by 11.2 seconds (from 4.25, 4±6.6 minutes, from 4.14, 2±4.9 minutes, with p<0.05). In the experimental group, the running speed at the level of the lactate threshold increased by an average of 24% (from 3.58±0.24 m/s to 4.32±0.33 m/s at p <0.05); and in the control group-only 13 %. In the experimental group, the pulse cost of 1 m of distance as a result of training from 0.75±0.05 UD/m decreased to 0.64±0.04 UD/m (at p<0.05), i.e. by 15%, while in the control group-by 9%. Running at the anaerobic threshold creates conditions for improving the cardiorespiratory system and strengthening the musculoskeletal system. This is manifested in a decrease in heart rate, which is associated with lower energy costs and increased efficiency of running.
Summary. The inclusion in the training program of students of an increased amount of training on long stretches, performed at speeds close to the threshold of anaerobic metabolism, provides an increase in running efficiency, measured by the pulse cost of a meter of path, and a higher athletic result in running at 1500 m.


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