'New breath' simulators for breathing muscle training in motion as means of physical rehabilitation of patients with cardiovascular pathology



A.S. Ivashchenko1
Dr.Med., Professor V.V. Ezhov1
PhD A.Yu. Tsarev1
Dr. Biol. B.A. Dyshko2
1Academic Research Institute of Physical Methods of Treatment, Medical Climatology and Rehabilitation named after I.M. Sechenov, Yalta, Republic of Crimea
2Sport Technology LLC, Moscow

Coronary heart disease is one of the main causes of mortality, disability and temporary disability in Russia.
The article presents the results of study of the effectiveness of training with the use of "The New Breath" simulator for training breathing muscles in motion in terms of the sanatorium medical rehabilitation of patients diagnosed with coronary heart disease. Sampled for the study were 275 patients: males - 11%, females - 89%. The mean age was 64 years; the average duration of the disease was 14.5 years. All the patients, who made up the Control and Experimental Groups, received the entire complex of sanatorium-resort care with due regard to their individual characteristics. The Experimental Group subjects were additionally trained on the simulator for respiratory training in motion. "The New Breath" simulators were used during remedial gymnastics. The subjects were to perform a set of exercises to develop diaphragmatic breathing, gross motor skills, agility, mobility and flexibility of the joints, as well as cyclic loads in the form of walking at a moderate pace with an allowable increase in heart rate up to 25 bpm and maximum heart rate of 110 - 120 bpm. The training session lasted 30 minutes. The average number of procedures per treatment course was 10.7±0.3.
The study showed that the use of the simulators for respiratory training in motion significantly improves the blood system functionality and its oxygen transport capacity, stress coping skills, including various psychological stresses, reduces fatigue and expressed negative feelings associated with the functioning of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems.

Keywords: coronary heart disease, respiratory training in motion, "The New Breath" simulator for training the breathing muscles, medical and physical rehabilitation.


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