Integration of motor and speech activity of preschoolers by means of physical education



PhD Yu.F. Nikolenko1
PhD A.A. Shibaeva1
PhD, Associate Professor E.I. Ovchinnikova1
E.F. Ivanova1
1Transbaikal State University, Chita
2Regional Clinical Psychiatric Hospital named after V.Kh. Kandinsky, Chita

Preschool age is a period of particular "sensitivity" to pedagogical influences aimed to develop motor and speech activity in children. Moreover, the issue of methodological support of this process in the pre-school practice has been studied insufficiently.
Objective of the given study was to develop and experimentally justify the methodology of physical education classes for senior preschool children, based on the integration of their motor and speech activity. The educational experiment was carried out in the period from September 2017 through May 2018 at the premises of the Municipal Budgetary General Education Institution "Child Development Centre - Kindergarten No. 86" in Chita. The experiment involved the 6-7 year-old children split into Experimental and Control Groups. The authors presented the content of physical education classes related to lexicon, during which the main types of movements were taught based on the setting and pronunciation of the key reference points by children.
The study results indicated the beneficial effect of the proposed methodology on the indicators of technical and physical fitness of children, as well as their speech development.

Keywords: physical education, preschoolers, integration, key reference points, motor and speech development indicators.


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