Identification of physical activity rates in adult population when training for GTO complex tests



PhD E.A. Zyurin1
PhD, Associate Professor A.V. Kurentsov1
E.N. Petruk1
PhD, Associate Professor A.A. Baryaev2
1Federal Research Center for Physical Culture and Sports (FRS VNIIIFK), Moscow
2St. Petersburg Scientific Research Institute of Physical Culture, St. Petersburg

The authors studied the population’s motor mode and physical fitness rates by the example of the 30-39 year-old individuals regularly engaged in physical education and sports under the program of self-training for the Physical Culture and Sport Complex 'Ready for Labour and Defence" GTO Complex tests. During the educational experiment, a group was formed of 50 male and 50 female residents of Moscow and the Moscow Region, who were offered the program of self-training for the Physical Culture and Sport Complex 'Ready for Labour and Defence" GTO Complex tests. The measurements of the morphofunctional indicators (heart rate, blood pressure, carpal force, vital capacity (during expiration), taken at the beginning and at the end of the study, as well as the registration of the daily-average number of steps (using fitness bracelets from different manufacturers), enabled to determine statistically significant parameters of the daily and weekly physical activity.
The experiment revealed a positive effect of the developed self-training program for the VII stage males and females - 87% of the subjects successfully passed the tests under the Physical Culture and Sport Complex 'Ready for Labour and Defence" GTO Complex; the optimal daily motor mode for the males was 18,000 steps, and the females - 14,000 steps. It has been experimentally confirmed that the implementation of the self-training program promoting an increase in the level of physical fitness of the subjects training for the Physical Culture and Sport Complex 'Ready for Labour and Defence" GTO Complex tests is only possible if the motor mode is 180-220 min per week.

Keywords: adult population, regularly engaged in physical education and sports, physical activity, motor mode, physical fitness, Physical Culture and Sport Complex 'Ready for Labour and Defence" GTO Complex test implementation.


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