Modern university students’ PE values: questionnaire survey



PhD, Associate Professor L.M. Kravtsova
South Ural State University for the Humanities and Education, Chelyabinsk

The relevance of this study is determined by the creation of conditions and the formation of self-improvement skills among students on the background of raising motivation, interest in physical education and their own health. To solve this goal, a questionnaire was developed, which consisted of 13 questions to determine the attitude of students to physical education in general and to the educational process in particular. The survey involved 120 1-2-year students of four faculties of South Ural State University for the Humanities and Education. The data obtained during the survey showed that students have a positive attitude to physical education and sports, but this area of ​​activity is not a mandatory element of the daily life of youth. The results of the study can be used to develop a more effective organization of the educational process at the university in order to foster the commitment of students to physical education activities. The creation of training programs for each type of physical education, taking into account regional, cultural and historical traditions, material and technical equipment of sports complexes of a particular university, while taking into account the needs and demands of students, may become a priority in increasing students' motivation for physical education and sports.

Keywords:  physical education values, motivation, physical education, motor activity.


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