Tactical actions in fast breakthrough of student team basketball players


PhD, Associate Professor N.V. Stetsenko1
Postgraduate student K.A. Yosipenko1
1Volgograd State Academy of Physical Culture, Volgograd

Keywords: basketball, tactical actions, student sports, rapid attack, rapid breakthrough.

Preparation of basketball players of student teams for successful implementation of attack in fast break is complicated by different level of qualification of players not only in technical preparation, but also in theoretical and tactical. To solve this problem in the rapid breakthrough, the main tactical actions are highlighted, and the process of attack is considered as the structure of the athlete's activity. The use of digital technologies helps to reduce the preparation time. The main objectives of this approach is to improve: the skill level of "lagging" players, the effectiveness of technical techniques in the attack, the ability to choose the right means and methods of tactical techniques of the game athletes.


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