Improved precompetitive training system for elite orienteering sport



PhD, Associate Professor V.S. Sherin1
V.A. Belousova1
D.M. Zagorodnikova1
A.N. Petrov1
1National Research Tomsk State University, Tomsk

Orienteering is the specific sport discipline highly demanding to physical and mental stress tolerance to meet the sport-specific challenges in practical competitions. The athletes are expected to run the competitive distances and locate and register at every mapped check point for the shortest possible time.
Objective of the present study was to test benefits of the improved precompetitive training system for the orienteering sport elite.
The experimental work was carried out on the basis of the new precompetitive training system for elite orienteering sport. The study was run at the training base of Tomsk Regional Orienteering Sport Federation in 2018-19. Sampled for the given study were the members of the Tomsk Oblast orienteering team (n=20) split into Experimental and Reference Groups of 10 people each. The precompetitive trainings in the Reference Group were standard, and the precompetitive trainings sessions in the Experimental Group involved a new model with a special priority to the map and compass reading practices.
The study showed benefits of the improved precompetitive training system as verified by the competitive progress of the Experimental Group versus Reference Group in the race time and error elimination aspects.

Keywords: orienteering sports, precompetitive training, elite orienteering sport athletes, intellectual performance, map and compass reading practices.


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