Benefits of elective physical education and sport disciplines for bachelor physical education and sport trainings



PhD, Associate Professor M.Yu. Zolotova1
PhD, Associate Professor O.A. Pogodina1
PhD, Associate Professor T.Yu. Maskaeva2
PhD, Associate Professor O.B. Vasilyeva1
S.E. Glachaeva1
1State University of Humanities and Social Studies, Moscow Region
2Russian University of Transport (MIIT), Moscow

The national educational system reforms are geared to both develop the student’s personality and build up the social competences to meet the market needs. The bachelor training curricula include elective courses and disciplines to individualize the education process and prioritize the academic progress as required by the students’ preferences and gifts. This means that the elective disciplines facilitate the individual training programs catering for the interests, abilities and professional predispositions. Objective of the study was to analyze benefits of the elective physical education and sport disciplines in bachelor trainings. We sampled the 1-3-year students split up into Experimental Group that was offered elective disciplines under the academic physical education and sport and Reference Group (RG) that was trained traditionally. The experiment proved benefits of the elective disciplines as verified by the EG meaningful progress in the physical fitness and physical development test rates versus RG. We believe that the students' progress in the elective-disciplines-driven physical education and sport facilitates their professional and social skills building process and contributes to the personal progress agendas in the physical and personality development domains.

Keywords: elective disciplines, competences, education curriculum, socializing, physical fitness.


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