Mobile applications and physical activity registers: user portraying study



PhD, Associate Professor O.G. Zhigareva1
PhD A.L. Yurchenko1
PhD S.V. Skrygin1
M.V. Goryacheva1
1Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow

Modern meaning of physical activity refers primarily to the individual physical progress agenda with its determination, knowledgebase, habitual sporting/ physical education practices and healthy lifestyle. Physical activity in the context of the study was interpreted as the muscular activity for the individual physical fitness for job responsibilities and everyday life. As for the physical activity style, it was defined as the individual physical activity within a certain timeframe. Lately many physical activity registration gadgets has been increasingly used to capture and store the physical activity data arrays, with the users’ access to the training system design and management data significantly improved year to year. Such data and support is provided by many special social groups including Nike + Training Club, Runtastic, RunKeeper, Strava, Fitbit etc. Many users of such applications may freely share the training data and analyze their progress in the individual physical activity projects with communal support. At the same time, the progress rating and analyzing practices are still not that popular in a few traditional user groups which we would classify be gender and age. We analyzed the gender- and age-specific group progress in the individual physical activity projects in the 13-17, 18-24, 25-34, 35-54 and 55+ age groups. Objective of the study was to portray an average user of a mobile application who appreciates the short- and long-term benefits of the gadgets for the individual physical activity projects. The study data and analyses may be helpful for the personnel of the physical education and sport service companies, runner's club coaches, and for the relevant mobile gadgets marketing specialists.

Keywords: physical activity, healthy lifestyle, mobile applications, training, population groups.


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