Phagocytic activity of leukocytes and blood cortisol ratings in athletes prior to and after phytopharmacological correction



PhD V.I. Vetosheva1
Dr. Biol., Professor V.V. Volodin1
PhD S.O. Volodina1
1Institute of Biology, Komi Science Center, Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Syktyvkar

Long-term intense physical stresses in the training periods are known to activate the adrenal cortex and release the stress hormone cortisol into the bloodstream. Cortisol mobilizes the individual energy reserves to facilitate release of glucose and free fatty acids; and activates the processes of gluconeogenesis and protein catabolism. As a result, the energy resource is replenished in the ATP synthesizing process to boost the performance. The catabolic effect of cortisol production, however, is of a negative effect on the lymphoid tissue as it suppresses lymphocytes in the bloodstream and phagocytosis to undermine the immunity. Objective of the study was to analyze benefits of ecdysteroid-containing dietary supplement Adasten by rating cortisol and the activity blood system protection mechanisms in intense training conditions. phytopharmacological correction of white blood cells was determined by latex phagocytosis rating method; and the cortisol in serum was rated by the enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. Sampled for the study were the Super League ice hockey players (n=20) aged 27±1.5 years with the 19±1.4 year sport records on average.
The study found the cortisol rates growing over a training cycle in most of the sample, with the growth more expressed in the Master of Sports subsample; and the lymphocyte rates were found to faster drop in the 30+ years old players. The initial rates of the phagocytic activity of leukocytes were found close to the bottom of the norm. Intense physical stresses were found to increase phagocytic activity of leukocytes to the upper limit of the norm, with the effect more expressed in the 30- year-olds. .

Keywords: phagocytic activity of leucocytes, lymphocytes, cortisol, phytopharmacological correction.


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