Financial and economic performance rating factors in national football industry



PhD, Associate Professor O.V. Litvishko1
PhD, Associate Professor D.V. Vyprikov1
PhD E.A. Lubyshev2
1Plekhanov Russian University of Economics, Moscow
2Moscow City Pedagogical University, Moscow

Football clubs of the Russian Premier League have reported for the first time a growth of incomes that may be indicative of the financial and economic performance improvements due to the new club licensing procedures implemented by the Russian Football Union to comply with the UEFA fair play rules. The national education system takes efforts to improve the financial and economic performance in the optional sport training programs. Thus Plekhanov Russian University of Economics has lately reported the financial and economic performance progress in the academic Crossfit and Russian billiards and gives a special priority to develop optional sport training programs for football.
Objective of the study was to develop and offer financial and economic performance rating factors for the national football industry by the following components: (1) identify the key factors of influence on the club financial and economic performance; and 2) rate contribution of every factor into the integral financial and economic performance ratio. Financial and economic performance of the football clubs, for the purposes of the study, was interpreted as the integrated system with its characteristics needed to be analyzed to effectively rate the financial and economic performance. Input data for the study was generated by statistical data analysis and analyses of the existing legal and regulatory framework for the football industry and its progress reports. The study data and analyses made it possible to offer a football club financial and economic performance rating mechanism taking into account the socio-economic role of sports and the key factors of financial success including the market situation, resource provisioning, management quality, investment activity and social/ legal provisions for the club operations. The study findings may be useful for the football club management in the decision making process.

Keywords: proceeds, benefits, management, legal provisions, market.


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