Procedural and methodological support of electronic self-learning resources for sports university students


Posrgraduate student B.L. Batakov
Tchaikovsky State Institute of Physical Culture and Sports, Tchaikovsky

Keywords: independent educational activity, software and methodological support.

Introduction. For effective organization of independent educational activity (training) of students who are on individual training in sports higher education institution, the problem of development of electronic methodical maintenance of educational process is actual.
The aim of the study is to theoretically substantiate the content of software and methodological support of electronic educational resources in physical culture and sports.
The results of the study and their discussion. Software and methodological support (PMO), as a component of the software, is a set of complete blocks of topics and applications. Each topic contains theoretical material, including basic concepts, a set of algorithms and consideration of typical situations constructed in accordance with them. After the theoretical part, a list of questions for self-control is proposed. To consolidate theoretical and practical knowledge, as well as for the development of constructive skills, the PMO contains typical practical tasks for independent work, allowing the student to reproduce knowledge and skills according to a known, previously studied algorithm and gain experience in the model.
For the organization of independent work contains a list of reconstructive tasks with heuristic elements, the content of which should be associated with everyday life and to varying degrees focused on the professional activities of students [1].
The presentation of the content of each block of topics ends with test tasks for self-control, containing not only the elements of repetition and consolidation of the material, but to a greater extent and issues of a problematic nature, requiring the student to mental stress, the ability to analyze, alternatively think.
The PMO provides integrated, complex tasks close to the future professional activity.
Conclusion. Software and methodological support develops the ability to evaluate information on relevance, completeness, reliability, choose and use the most significant and valuable for the student, taking into account the future profession, as well as form a value attitude to independent educational activities.


  1. Chernova N. V. Modeling of quality assessment of software and methodological support of the educational process of the University / N. V. Chernova / / Scientific and methodical electronic journal "Concept". - 2015. - T. 13.  Pp. 3651-3655. - URL: