Comprehensive selection system applied in every training stage by football academies



PhD, Associate Professor A.V. Antipov1
1Moscow State Regional University, Moscow

Objective of the study was to substantiate the features of an integrated system for qualifying junior athletes at various stages of training at football academies. Scientific work was carried out in 2013-2019. on the basis of the sports academy of the football club Lokomotiv (Moscow). The study involved football players of three age groups (U - 6-7-8; U - 9-10; U - 11-12), who correspond to the stages of sports training recommended by the federal standard for sports training in football and a program for football academies, youth sports schools, specialized children and youth sport schools of Olympic reserve and schools of Olympic reserve. In the course of the study, criteria were developed for the selection of young athletes at various stages of training at football academies. Particular attention was paid to the methodological justification of control exercises aimed at determining motor abilities and individual game skills, which were evaluated using outdoor games, exercises to assess physical fitness, as well as specialized game exercises in technology. It is proved that the definition of criteria and the use of specialized exercises makes it possible to accurately determine the prospects of an athlete to practice at the football academy.

Keywords: football, training stages, comprehensive initial selection, motor abilities, game exercises.


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