Regional academic sports: experience, current situation and progress avenues


Postgraduate student V.S. Sosunovsky
National Research Tomsk State University, Tomsk

Lately the national education system has reported growths in the children’s personality development, physical health, emotional control, screen addictions and communication disorders that may be addressed, as demonstrated by some studies by the national physiologists, by physical activity of special positive effects on the CNS functions. Objective of the study was to develop, in the theoretical and practical aspects, and test benefits of a new kinesiological physical education model for preschoolers applicable in the general education system. The model testing experiment was run at the Montessory Preschool Education Establishment #4 in Tomsk using the following methods: analysis, synthesis, teaching experience generalizing, modeling, and education process surveys. The newly developed kinesiological physical education model based on the Brain Gymnastics method was designed to harmonize the physical and personality developmental aspects in the trainings. Success of the kinesiological physical education model implementation in the traditional preschool physical education service was found to depend on the following educational provisions: kinesiological physical education facilitating conditions in the groups, sport gyms and outdoor training sites; due incentives and instruction manuals for the kinesiological physical education service; due training of the physical education teachers at workshops to help them master the best kinesiological practices and experiences. The new kinesiological physical education model for preschoolers was found beneficial as verified by the Preschool Education Establishment success in establishing the progress facilitating kinesiological environment to harmonize the physical and personality developmental aspects in the trainings and expand the physical education teacher toolkit and terms of reference in the preschool physical education service.

Keywords: preschoolers, physical education technologies, kinesiological practices, mental development issues.


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