Competition success forecasts in sport aerobics


Dr.Hab., Professor G.V. Barchukova1
V.S. Brusovankin1
T.M. Migalina2
1Russian State University of Physical Education, Sports, Youth and Tourism (SCOLIPE), Moscow
2Mytishchi branch of Bauman Moscow State Technical University (National Research University) Mytishchi, Moscow Region

Footwork (court control skills) improvement trainings are ranked among the key special physical training elements by the modern badminton training systems, with the training goals attained by multiple exercises applied by the national and foreign sport schools. The study analyzes benefits of the footwork excelling training machine for badminton training systems; overviews the training machine of the authors’ design to excel the movement coordination qualities and physical progress in every court control element i.e. fast movements, thrusts, attacks and defenses with both sides of the racket; and describes the training machine applications customizable to the age, experience, skills, field zone and game role of every athlete. The court control skills excelling training machine customizable for the players’ anthropometric characteristics, age, skills, field zones and game positions was tested beneficial as verified by the sample progress in the tests.

Keywords: badminton players, court control skills, training machine, movement coordination, energy cost efficiency, injury prevention.


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