Values-driven health agenda for physical progress in trainings for GTO complex tests


PhD, Associate Professor M.Kh. Khaupshev1
PhD, Associate Professor V.M. Musakaev2
PhD, Associate Professor E.B. Yakhutlova2
G.A. Panchenko2
1Berbekov Kabardino-Balkarian State University , Nalchik
2Kokov Kabardino-Balkarian State Agricultural University, Nalchik

It is commonly acknowledged by the research community that individual health is largely (50%) determined by a healthy lifestyle including physical activity and diet as its controllable elements, with the individual tolerance to stressors dependent on their quantity and quality. This means that physical activity and diet may be applied to effectively prevent and correct health disorders, fatigues and diseases; and, hence, the individual physical activity and diet may be modeled on an individual basis for health control purposes. Objective of the study in this context was to rate benefits of a student physical activity and diets optimizing computer system. Sampled for the system testing experiment were the 1-3-year students (n=653, including 239 males and 414 females) from two republican universities. The pre-experimental tests found the physical activity being minimal, optimal and poor in 19.6% (n=128), 10.4% (n=68) and 70.0 % (n=457) of the sample, respectively; and the diet deficiency was estimated at 279.8 and 216.1 kcal per day for the male and female groups, respectively. The post-experimental tests found the minimal, optimal and poor physical activity in the sample changing to 39.5% (n=258), 30.7% (n=201) and 29.8% (n=194), respectively; and changes to the diets were found to increase the calorific values by 438.5 kcal (11.7%) and 298.0 kcal (10.6%) in the male and female groups, respectively, with the energy deficit fully covered and the surplus energy usable for an extra physical activity. The study data and analyses showed benefits of the students’ physical activity and diets optimizing computer system as verified by the new quality of the physical activity and diets in the test sample.

Keywords: health, optimal physical activity, healthy diet, computer model.


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