Student physical activity and diets optimizing computer system


Dr.Hab., Professor V.G. Shilko
National Research Tomsk State University, Tomsk

It is common knowledge that an individual stress tolerance is largely determined by the willpower. The study was designed in this context to rate benefits of the strength and speed-strength building practices for physical progress and stress tolerance in the female students’ groups of National Research Tomsk State University. The Experimental Group was trained for the study purposes by a special training system with the traditional training tools complemented by 20 special couple exercises in the core part of every training session. The training sessions in the Reference Group were dominated by traditional practices on training machines and with weights. Progress of both groups was rated by the physical fitness tests and special questionnaire surveys to rate the stress tolerance variations for a two-year period. A comparative analysis of the test data found the following: significant progress of the Experimental Group versus Reference Group (p<0.05) in the right wrist strength pre-versus post-experimental tests; significant progress in the prone push-ups test (+2 reps on average) and the 45° forearm rest test (+12s); and notable albeit insignificant progress in the Experimental Group in the speed-strength tests. The pre- versus post-experimental questionnaire surveys found the progress of the Experimental Group in many stress tolerance aspects, with tolerance to 8 stressors out of 13 and the anxiety rates tested to significantly (p<0.05) fall in the Experimental Group versus the Reference Group. The Reference Group was tested with insignificant progress (p>0.05) in the studies-related anxiety rates for the study period.

Keywords: stress, stressors, communication stress, stress conditions, physical fitness.


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