Ideomotor trainings for competitive success in wrestling


PhD, Associate Professor V.V. Nakhodkin1
PhD, Professor M.G. Kolodeznikova1
Associate Professor A.N. Semenov1
1Ammosov North-Eastern Federal University, Yakutsk

Competitive success of the sport elite is known to heavily depend on the competitive fitness with its components including the individual mental control and conditioning skills, healthy lifestyles, diets etc., with the mental controls playing the key role in the precompetitive trainings. Objective of the study was to analyze benefits of an ideomotor training model for precompetitive conditioning, fight planning and inspiration in the elite wrestling sport. We used interactive discussions, training process surveys, and adapted Competitive Behaviors Test method for the study purposes, with 20 freestyle wrestlers sampled for the survey. The survey included three questions to rate the following: individual versatility in the wrestling techniques; favored actions within a 15s certain timeframe in extreme competitive situations; and mental control skills and stress tolerance in the extreme competitive situations. The study data gives the grounds to conclude that mental conditioning tools are highly beneficial when the trainings mimic as close as possible the real upcoming bouts, with the fight plans recommended being drafted for every bout albeit reasonably limited in details, with only the key points being specified and trained.

Keywords: freestyle wrestling, athlete, mental conditioning, mental stress tolerance, competitions, ideomotor training, mental control.


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