Psychophysical training and gymnastics exercises for future civil air traffic controllers


PhD, Professor V.I.Shalupin1
PhD, Professor I.A. Rodionova1
D.V. Romanyuk1
1Moscow State Technical University of Civil Aviation, Moscow

Civil air traffic control services by experienced and skillful civil air traffic controllers are in the growing demand with the growing inflow of the foreign aircraft to the national airspace and new airfields developed and needed to be served. Despite the technological progress of air traffic control service, man has always been and still remains the main and most vulnerable link in the air traffic control system. The article analyzes benefits of new psychophysical training for future civil air traffic controllers. Objective of the study was to give theoretical grounds for and test benefits of the psychophysical training and gymnastics exercises for the future civil air traffic controllers. The study was designed to reveal benefits of the psychophysical training model on a sample of the civil air traffic control course students and offer practical recommendations on how the model should be implemented. Sampled for the study were the second-year students of Moscow State Technical University of Civil Aviation majoring in civil air traffic control whose progress was tested by Luscher (color) test and our version of the visual motor response test. The psychophysical training model with a special priority to relaxation practices was dominant among the key physical training elements of the sample.

Keywords: psychophysical training, psychophysical efficiency, civil air traffic controller, extreme stress tolerance.


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