Age-specific competitive progress planning in chinese badminton


Dr.Hab., Professor A.V. Gaskov1
Dr.Hab., Associate Professor M.O. Aksenov1
D. V. Artamonov2
1Buryat State University n.a. Dorzhi Banzarov, Ulan-Ude
2Plekhanov Russian University of Economics, Moscow

Competitive success in modern sports is secured by long-term persisted and well-designed training systems. The study analyzes the age-specific competitive progress planning by the process stages in Chinese badminton using the following methods: summaries of the relevant theoretical and practical national and foreign study reports; and expert interviews geared to profile the long-term training process on an age-specific basis starting from the beginner trainings via the individual competitive peaks and up to the retirement period; with a special attention to the total sport records and accomplishments. Sampled for the study were the Chinese top-level badminton coaches and Class-I-plus qualified athletes. Subject to a special analysis under the study were the age-specific stages in the long-term training process including the beginner trainings, individual competitive peaks and the retirement periods, plus the sport records. It has proved beneficial to start badminton trainings in the boys and girls groups at the age of 7-9 and 6-8 years, respectively, with the sport peaks normally achieved by the age of 20-29 and 21-29 years by men and women, respectively. The total badminton sport record in China was found to average 18.5 years, with the average retirement at 28.2 years of age.

Keywords: China, badminton, age groups, long-term training system.


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