Involution-age women’s functionality stabilizing mechanisms activated by long high-intensity physical trainings


Dr.Biol., Associate Professor S.V. Pogodina1
PhD, Associate Professor V.S. Yuferev1
Dr.Med., Professor G.D. Aleksanyants2
1V.I. Vernadsky Crimean Federal University, Simferopol
2Kuban State University of Physical Education, Sport and Tourism, Krasnodar

High-intensity physical training technologies are in the focus of interest of the research community. The article analyzes the involution-age female athletes’ functionality stabilizing mechanisms activated by long high-intensity physical trainings. The study was designed to profile the adaptation processes in the 37-45 year old and 16-26 year old sporting women groups versus the 37-45 year old unsporting group by anthropometrical characteristics, dynamometric tests, respiratory function test, gasometric method, immunity test, biochemical, hematological, blood flow (rheographic), ergometric tests and the standard statistical data processing tools. It was found that the prolonged high-intensity physical trainings improve the involution-age women’s functionality test rates to the level of the 16-26-year olds, albeit the functionality reserves are still depleted to a degree. High performance standards are further maintained by the compensatory adaptation mechanisms, particularly in the high-intensity trainings. Aerobic performance standards are maintained by suppression of the fatigue control metabolic (lactate related) factors plus more economic respiration process control and adaptation cost reduction mechanisms. The hormonal and vegetative balance is further maintained by the self-control mechanisms geared to stabilize the estrogens, activate the relevant autonomous nervous system mechanisms (to strengthen the parasympathetic effects) and mobilize the circulation control in the cardiovascular system.

Keywords: physiological mechanisms, stabilizing, functionality, active professional female athletes, involution age, prolonged high-intensity physical training.


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