Moving target shooter’s attention control analysis


PhD, Associate Professor L.A. Kadutskaya1
PhD A.V. Posokhov1
PhD T.A. Mironova1
PhD student E.Yu. Domracheva1
1Belgorod State National Research University, Belgorod

Shooting a moving target may be described as the standard sequence of psychomotor actions. The beginner shooter training systems give a special priority to the attention control skills to effectively respond to and control the sport-specific sensations and data flows. Our study has found that the modern moving target shooting sport is increasingly demanding to the shooter’s mental control qualities including the attention control ones. The attention controls shall be perfect to timely focus the body and mind and fast switch over attention when necessary for success in the shooting competitions. We obtained and analyzed the attention control test rates including the attention focusing, accuracy, success and switchover rates versus the shooters’ skills levels (Candidate/ World Class/ Honorary Masters of Sport). It was found that the attention control qualities and skills are largely predetermined by the individual genetic type and, hence, it may be difficult to modify them to develop an optimal balance of the attention focusing and switchover qualities. On the whole the study tested the World Class/ Honorary Masters of Sport with the highest attention focusing and switchover rates in shooting a moving target. This finding may be interpreted as indicative of the multiannual training process making it possible to improve to a degree the attention control skills.

Keywords: attention switchover, mental fitness, moving target, athlete, shooter, mental self-control, rifle shooting sport.


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