Students’ individual attitudes to academic competitions: questionnaire survey


PhD, Associate Professor L.G. Pashchenko
Nizhnevartovsk State University, Nizhnevartovsk

The government sport development policies give a special priority to the initiatives to popularize the mass physical education and sport events and services as required by the relevant regulatory documents. The study analyzes data of a questionnaire survey geared to probe the sporting versus unsporting students’ attitudes to academic tournaments in the Student’s physical education Tests for the GTO Badge Competitions. The attitudes to competitions mean herein the multisided weighted individual opinions on the academic competitive physical education and sport related motivations, emotions, actions, initiatives etc. The Attitudes to Academic Competitions in the physical education Course questionnaire survey form was used to test and analyze the competitive attitudes and the relevant emotional, cognitive, activation and self-fulfillment aspects. On the whole, 45%, 41% and 14% of the sample were tested with the positive, neutral and negative attitudes to the academic competitions, respectively; with the negative attitudes dominating in the students unmotivated for and forced into the physical education progress tests. The relatively high proportion of neutral attitudes in the sample gives reasons to believe that the neutral students may be still motivated for the academic physical education and sport service with its individual and team competitions.

Keywords: students, competitions, student sport club, individual attitudes.


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