Psychoemotional peculiarities of students-participants of search-and-reburial group «Eterna»


Associate Professor, PhD S.A. Aitkulov1
Dr.Biol., Professor N.V. Mamylina1
Dr.Sc.Psych., Professor V.I. Dolgova1
1South Ural State Humanitarian Pedagogical University, Chelyabinsk

The present study was designed to test and analyze the psychoemotional states of university activists of the search-and-reburial group exposed to high emotions and stresses on the bodily systems on the whole and nervous system in particular.
Objective of the given study was to obtain the anxiety, extra- and introversion test rates by the Individual Minute Test. Sampled for the study by the Physical Education and Life Safety Department of Chelyabinsk State Pedagogical University were the 18-19 year old students (n=15) of university group Eterna – which mission is to find and rebury the remains of soldiers on the WWII battlefields within the Pskov Oblast. The Individual Minute Test was used in the following two versions: 60s count with time control, with the subject required to fit into one minute; and the time taken by the count from 1 to 60. The authors also applied the Spielberger-Khanin State-Trait Anxiety Inventory (STAI) test to rate the state and trait anxiety; Eysenck Personality Questionnaire tests to rate the extra-/ introversion (Form A); top-intensity tapping test to rate the motor reactivity and endurance; and the Mann-Whitney U- test to analyze the statistical correlations of the test data arrays.
Further studies of the students’ psychophysiology are required to facilitate selection to the university search-and-reburial group for success of their mission.

Keywords: psychoemotional states, search-and-reburial activity, emotional stress, overstress, patriotic education, individual minute, anxiety, extraversion, introversion.


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