Social creativity models to build up environmental competency in physical education and sport university students


Associate Professor, PhD A.A. Nesterova1
Associate Professor, PhD L.I. Eremina1
Associate Professor, PhD O.V. Chetaykina2
1Ulyanovsk State Pedagogikal University, Ulyanovsk
2Mordovian State Pedagogical Institute named after M.E. Evseviev, Saransk

The study outlines and analyzes the following values critical for the environmental axiological awareness of the PE and sport university students: harmony of human civilization and nature; natural values; and the high value of devotion to the place of origin. Special attention is given to the educational provisions to facilitate environmental competency and sensitivity building process, with active engagement in the socially important ecological project activity on a volunteer basis. The socially important ecological project activity means herein the socially beneficial actions of high environmental value including the charity events, meetings, marches, environmental protection initiatives, environmental material dissemination campaigns, landscaping actions in different social and natural locations; assistance to children with health limitations and orphans; assistance to veterans, seniors, disabled people etc. The study analyzes findings of the empirical study that demonstrates students’ progress in the environmental awareness via socially important ecological volunteer project activity.

Keywords: environmental competency, criteria and levels of formation of environmental competency, socially important volunteering.


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