Technical and tactical typing of rivals for fight planning in boxing


Professor, PhD V.N. Kleshchev1
Associate Professor, PhD P.V. Galochkin2
PhD V.V. Kleshchev2
N.V. Galochkin2
1Russian State University of Physical Education, Sports & Youth (SCOLIPE), Moscow
2Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow

Fight planning and precompetitive trainings in modern boxing give a special priority to the categorized technical and tactical skills of the potential rivals. The study offered and tested by an experiment a new technical and tactical skills categorizing and countering model with prior analyses of the rival’s favorite competitive patterns, versatility and efficiency in every fight element; to produce a fight plan (regulation) with due knowledge of the rival’s advantages and drawbacks. Fight fitness in this context may be interpreted as the multidimensional notion making a special emphasis on the tactical and technical fitness aspects. The new technical and tactical skills categorizing and countering model was tested by the experiment to rate its benefits for at least the self-rating of the own fight fitness depending on the rival’s fight style – which may be viewed as the core element of the mental fitness for the fight. It may be assumed that the precompetitive training process shall be designed to master and excel the most efficient rivals-specific fight tactics with counterattacks and support them by the right mental conditioning tools to secure the best competitive performance. A special attention in the new technical and tactical skills training model is given to the mental conditioning tools including the traditional (warm-up, meditation, communication with coaches and partners, pad work) and special (mental and muscular conditioning and other) tools.

Keywords: competitive activity, competency, effectiveness of training process.


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