Applied combat physical training model for national frontier service academies


Dr.Hab., Associate Professor I.E. Konovalov1
Postgraduate student S.A. Eliseev1
1Volga Region State Academy of Physical Culture, Sports and Tourism, Kazan

Keywords: cadets, frontier service academy, applied combat physical training model.

Background. Ways to improve the applied combat physical training model for the national frontier service academies are currently in high priority although the ideal solutions are still to be found. The situation urges the research community offer sound theoretical and practical grounds to effectively improve the applied combat physical training service in the frame design and contents [2-4]. It should be mentioned that the applied combat physical training service models need to be supported by the theoretically grounded and practically tested methods and tools prioritizing the physical and mental qualities and technical skills critical for success in the future service missions [1, 5]. Having analyzed the best practical experience of applied combat physical training courses for the national frontier service academies within the standard Physical Education curriculum, we found the need for a special applied combat physical training module that should offer a wide range of modern training technologies for physical, technical and mental conditioning with a special priority to the service-specific qualities and skills; and developed such applied combat physical training module for the national frontier service academies [6, 7].

Objective of the study was to test benefits of a new applied combat physical training model for the national frontier service academies.

Methods and structure of the study. The model testing experiment was run at Kurgan Institute of Frontier Services, with the 3-4-year cadets sampled for the tests and split up into Experimental and Reference Groups (EG, RG) of 27 people each. Both groups were trained under the standard Physical Education curriculum, with the EG trainings complemented by the new applied combat physical training model toolkit.

Expected deliverables of the applied combat physical training model

Figure 1. New applied combat physical training model for the national frontier service academies

The new applied combat physical training model includes the key practical provisions, theoretical and practical training materials, progress testing and rating criteria and the expected deliverables: see Figure 1. The key practical provisions set the main training avenues with the objective, missions and guiding principles. It should be mentioned that the valid Physical Education curriculum for the military and special service academies are developed based on the relevant regulations and include a few modules, each of them designed to attain a few specific goals, with the goals closely interrelated and focused on the core mission.

The new applied combat physical training model includes a service chart that specifies the service responsibilities of the frontier service personnel with the key physical and mental qualities and technical skills required for success of the service. The applied combat physical training model under the academic Physical Education discipline was designed for progress in the physical qualities, technical skills, functions and mental control skills secured by the relevant special exercises to train the cadets for a variety of the service missions including those in the extreme service conditions. The expected deliverables of the applied combat physical training model include the standard physical and mental qualities and skills critical for success of the service.

Study findings and discussion. Progress of the RG and EG progress under the applied combat physical training model was rated by the following pre- versus post-experimental five tests that yielded the following results:

(1) Uprise to hands start on a horizontal bar test (count) showed progress of the RG from 7,59±1,22 to 8,26±1,38 times versus the significant EG progress from 7,67±1,30 to 12,19±1,86 times (р<0.05).

(2) Cross-country race test showed progress of the RG from 1563,37±4,26s to 1559,85±4,51s versus the significant EG progress from 1562,04±4,35s to 1535,37±7,10s (р<0.05).

(3) Individual obstacle course test showed progress of the RG from 146,07±4,04s to 143,37±3,87s versus the significant EG progress from 146,30±3,71s to 136,78±3,86s (р<0.05).

(4) Crew obstacle course test showed progress of the RG from 382,52±5,93s to 379,70±6,81s versus the significant EG progress from 381,74±3,66s to 371,85±4,09s (р<0.05).

(5) And the dressed and armed swimming test showed progress of the RG from 98,19±3,39s to 121,93±3,53s versus the significant EG progress from 100,52±6,05s to 145,44±7,69s (р<0.05).

Conclusion. The new applied combat physical training model for the national frontier service academies designed by the authors was tested beneficial by five progress tests and may be recommended for application in the academic Physical Education course.


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The study analyzes benefits of the innovative applied combat physical training model for the national frontier service academies. Having analyzed the prior positive applied combat physical training piloting experience accumulated by the frontier service academies, we noted the need in a special applied combat physical training module in the physical education curricula to offer a wide range of training tools with a special priority to the physical, functional and mental service-specific fitness. The new applied combat physical training of our own design offers the key practical training elements with progress rating tests and goals. The experiment to test the new model showed its benefits as verified by the following test rate growths in the Reference Group versus Experimental Group: 8.78% versus 58.94% in the backflip on a horizontal bar test; 0.23% versus 1.71% in the quick march test; 1.85% versus 6.51% in the individual obstacle course test; 0.74% versus 2.59% in the group obstacle course test; and 24.18% versus 44.69% in the armed-and-dressed swimming test.