Mass physical education and sports sector development: municipal-level project management


Teoriya i praktika fizicheskoy kultury №7 2019

PhD, Professor M.S. Rasin
Siberian State University of Physical Culture and Sports, Omsk

Municipal policies in the local physical education and sport sector management domain are mostly geared to meet the communal demand for comfortable healthy lifestyle and physical education and sport practices. Objective of the study was to provide theoretical grounds for and offer an Urban Health Zone Concept based on a questionnaire survey of the municipal population on issues of the municipal physical education and sport service infrastructure. Subject to the questionnaire survey was Omsk population (n=3300) evenly sampled in every district of the city. The survey found the most popular forms of physical activity; and the survey data and analyses were used to work out the Urban Health Zone Concept for Omsk city – that was approved by the Omsk Government Decision #746-p of June 20, 2016. The concept makes provisions for the health zones being established in every district via the physical education and sport infrastructure upgrade/ development projects located where convenient for the local communities. The Urban Health Zone Concept for Omsk city provides not only the necessary legal and regulatory framework but also practical solutions for the popular physical education and sport service and movement that will help meet the communal demand for healthy lifestyle and physical education and sport service infrastructure and improve the living environments in the city.

Keywords: physical education and sports services, local governments, project technologies, urban sport infrastructure, questionnaire survey, interactive map.


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