Students’ physical activity in Surgut and Karaganda: comparative analysis


Teoriya i praktika fizicheskoy kultury №7 2019

Dr.Biol., Professor S.I. Loginov1
A.Yu. Nikolaev1
Dr.Med., Professor N.K. Smagulov2
PhD, Associate Professor V.Yu. Losev1
1Surgut State University, Surgut
2Karaganda State Medical University, Karaganda, Kazakhstan

Rapidly expanding physical inactivity is reported the world over and commonly known to be of detrimental effect on the academic health and progress rates. This holds particularly true for the harsh climatic conditions of the Russian Yugra North with its intensive oil-and-gas production for the last 50 years. The local towns and cities intensively grow in the local harsh climatic, geographic, social, economic, cultural, medical and biological conditions collectively referred to as the urban Yugra North environment. Objective of the study was to analyze and compare everyday physical activity of the Karaganda State Medical University and Surgut State University student population (n=237 and n=376, respectively) by IPAQ survey form. The physical activity survey data were classified for analysis into the low-intensity physical activity with metabolic equivalent МЕТ<1.5; moderate-intensity physical activity with MET=3-6; and high-intensity physical activity with MET>6 (1 МЕТ equals 3.5ml/kg or 1 kcal/h/ kg of body mass). Analyzed separately was the physically inactive group with physical activity under 10 min/day. Energy costs were calculated for every group with the relevant MET rate. The data arrays were statistically processed by the standard Statistica-10 (StatSoft, USA) toolkit, with calculations of the mean arithmetic value < X->, median <Ме>, standard deviation <SD>; and the confidence interval <± CI 0.95>. The study found roughly one of three Surgut and one of eight Karaganda students being physically inactive irrespective of the gender, with the middle-active share being larger in Surgut. Karaganda was found leading in the highly-active male and female populations – estimated 2.5 and 3.6 times (respectively) larger than in Surgut. The Surgut students’ physical activity was proved to be lower than in Kazakhstan and other countries, with the sitting physically inactive behavior significantly more habitual than in their Karaganda and European peers.

Keywords: IPAQ, physical activity, students, Russia, Kazakhstan.


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