Rural school physical education programming based on Evenk traditional active games and sports


Teoriya i praktika fizicheskoy kultury №7 2019

PhD, Associate Professor O.A. Maksimova1
D.D. Daini1
S.V. Yevseyeva1
1M.K. Ammosov North-Eastern Federal University, Yakutsk

One of the key governmental policies in the RF regions is to persistently improve the national education systems, and this is one of the reasons why the rural school education system of the Sakha (Yakutia) Republic gives a growing priority to the ethnic traditions in the education and training process designs with a special role played by new materials and didactic technologies. Objective of the study was to develop and substantiate a customizable ethnic sport training module under the standard school physical education program making a special emphasis on the Evenk traditional active games and sports. The model piloting and testing experiment was run at a few rural schools in the Sakha (Yakutia) Republic. The customizable training module included the following elements: active ethnic games; sledge jumping; national dances; national belt wrestling; archery; lariat throws on target; national hunter skiing; cross-country pole races; and some other ethnic sports and the relevant knowledgebase. Sampled for the educational experiment were the 5-7-grade schoolchildren split up into EG and RG. The RG was trained as required by the standard school physical education program; and the EG trainings were complemented by the customizable ethnic sport training module.
The customizable ethnic sport training module was found beneficial as verified by the EG versus RG meaningful progress in the school physical education course; higher interest in and motivations for the school physical education and sport service; and the physical fitness and physical activity test rates. These proven benefits give us the grounds to recommend the customizable ethnic sport training module for implementation at rural general education establishments serving the local minor Northern ethnic communities.

Keywords: Evenks, general education school, national sports.


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