Tourism in academic physical education service


Teoriya i praktika fizicheskoy kultury №7 2019

M.A. Fedorov1
PhD N.N. Kladkin1
L.P. Bugaeva1
1Institute of Physical Culture and Sport of M.K. Ammosov North-Eastern Federal University, Yakutsk

The Yakut Republican educational system management ranks tourism promotion projects on the whole and trekking tours in particular among the most promising health improvement solutions for the system with its high benefits for the responsible personality and environmental awareness development agenda. The article analyses the practical experience of health tourism service to students and the service benefits, with an emphasis on the healthy lifestyle promotion and professional competence building ones; and summarizes the practical experience of trekking tours within the frame of the students’ field practices. The study was run at the Arctic Innovation Center (AIC), a diversified research and education establishment. Sampled for the study were the 2-year North-Eastern Federal University geology students during the field practice on the Tomponsky testing ground in the Southern Verkhoyanye Mountains. In the trekking tour design project the researchers analyzed the tour benefits for the lower limb, abdominal, chest and upper limb muscles and tendons, knowing that every step with a heavy backpack mobilizes about fifty muscles. Long trekking tours are known to effectively train vessels and improve the capillary and collateral blood circulation systems.
The study data and analyses showed benefits of the trekking tours and environmental awareness routes in the geological field practices as verified by the improved physical activity and health standards of students over the academic year, including the improved tolerance to fatigue, air temperatures and other climatic conditions with habitual physical activity critical for professional progress and competencies of the future specialist.

Keywords: tourism, healthy lifestyle, active tourism, environmental protection, trekking tours, academic field practice.


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