Survey of pedagogical university students’ attitudes to Russian physical culture and sports GTO complex



Associate Professor, PhD N.N. Beznosko
Surgut State Pedagogical University, Surgut

The study was designed to probe the pedagogical university students’ (n=235) attitudes to the GTO (Ready for Labour and Defence) Complex and motivations for healthy lifestyles by a questioning survey. It was found that students are interested in competitions and GTO (Ready for Labour and Defence) Complex tests in form of sport festivals and holiday competitions with contributions from the student creative groups and sport celebrities. It should be mentioned that most of the respondents report the body shaping and beauty agenda among their key physical education and sports motivations, albeit most of sample reported going in for physical education and sports practices on an irregular basis and reluctance to attend the academic sport facilities.

Keywords: students, attitudes to GTO Complex, healthy lifestyle, GTO Complex Class VI Tests.


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