Social networks and mobile applications for physical education: usage options



A.S. Kariauli
Petrozavodsk State University, Petrozavodsk

The study analyzes the Strava mobile app usage options for the academic physical education purposes and the ways to step up the students’ motivations for the self-reliant physical education practices; and offers a debugged and tested model to help the students cope with their academic backlogs in the physical education discipline. The study data and analyses show benefits of the mobile physical education applications for the students’ physical activation and motivation for self-reliant trainings, as they provide versatile progress control toolkit applicable in the training process by the teacher and student. It may be also used to form a training system for summer vacation time; design the off-class general endurance trainings; and to cover the individual backlogs in the academic physical education discipline.
It should be mentioned that the mobile physical education applications shall be complemented by special theoretical and practical trainings to help students master the physicality and functionality tests and controls in the self-reliant training process. The study data and findings may be of interest for physical education teachers, trainers and senior school/ university students for physical education training excellence purposes.

Keywords: physical education, young people, health, training motivations, experiment, mobile apps, social networks.


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