National mass physical education and sports resourcing: Ulyanovsk oblast case study



Postgraduate A.S. Groshev1
Dr.Hab., Professor E.V. Kuzmicheva1
1Russian State University of Physical Education, Sports, Youth and Tourism (SCOLIPE), Moscow

The study analyses the situation with the available sport infrastructure across the Russian Federation versus requirements of the RF Physical Education and Sports Development State Program for the period up to 2020; and the actual service efficiency rates of the sport facilities versus the local popular demand for the physical education, health, sports and entertainment services. Objective of the study was to improve the sport infrastructure service efficiency rating methods to improve the service standards. The sport infrastructure supply and service efficiency rates were found to widely vary across the Russian regions. We took the Ulyanovsk Oblast for the case study of the sport infrastructure supply and service efficiency rates in the urban and rural areas. The UO sport infrastructure supply/ availability rates were found largely different for the urban and rural communities; whilst the sport infrastructure service efficiency was rated lower than the national median, with the urban sport facilities found much more loaded than the district-level ones. A special priority in the study was given to the statistics of the UO physical education and sport service resourcing. Further studies will be designed to explore the ways to expand the physical education and sport service range and quality and thereby secure an inflow of the local population to the mass physical education and sport system.

Keywords: sport facilities, service rate, efficiency rate.


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