Training system customizing in martial arts to body constitutions and qualities
Professor, PhD I.V. Demin1
Associate Professor, PhD M.Y. Stepanov1
Associate Professor, PhD M.B. Salamatov2
1Tchaikovsky State Institute of Physical Culture, Perm Territory, Tchaikovsky
2Russian State University for the Humanities, Moscow
The present study analyzes the modern training system design and management processes in martial arts versus the individual body constitutions and qualities including the functional, anthropometric, hormonal, metabolic, mental and physical aspects. The study data demonstrates that the individual anthropometric characteristics, qualities and other aspects related test data versus the competitive success rates and movement biomechanics analyses give the effective means to design and manage the individual progress paths so as to attain the most ambitious competitive and sport excellence goals. The individualized training system designed and managed on the above systemic principles was tested beneficial in practical adolescent/ junior Thai boxing trainings as verified by the competitive progress of the group.
Keywords: training system, complex systems, anthropometric characteristics, athletic functionality.
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