Health-improvement competitive orienteering model for senior women



PhD T.A. Fedorova
Perm State Humanitarian-Pedagogical University, Perm

The study analyzes a health-improvement competitive orienteering model for 50-55 year-old women designed to facilitate the physical and mental health improvement projects that may be of special interest for the relevant veteran associations and sport federations. The model testing study was performed at a sport base of the Orienteering Sport Association of Perm Territory and in Perm Nordic Walking Club in the period of May 2017 to April 2018, with the Y.A. Kalinin’s Survey Form applied in the orienteering sport practices. The trainees’ physicality and mental state was tested by G.L. Apanasenko Overall Physical Health Test; motor skills test; and mental state test. Mental health was further rated by the J. Raven and R. Amthauner Imaginative Thinking Test; Rissu Attention Stability, Focusing and Accuracy Test; and Torrens Creative Imagination Test. The test sample was split up into Experimental (EG) and Reference (RG) Groups with their physicality and mental state tested in and after the training process. The health-improvement competitive orienteering model testing experiment showed its benefits for this age group.

Keywords: training model, women’s physical and mental health, competitive orienteering.


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