Academic test system to select prospects for Greco-Roman wrestling sport groups at technical university



Candidate N.V. Melnikov1
Dr.Hab., Professor V.V. Ponomarev1
Associate Professor, PhD D.A. Shubin2
Postgraduate V.A. Vlasov2
1Krasnoyarsk State Pedagogical University named after V. P. Astafyev, Krasnoyarsk
2Krasnoyarsk State Agrarian University, Krasnoyarsk

Academic sports in the physical education curricula will be generally designed, in our opinion, to cultivate the young people’s motivations for habitual physical trainings and sports, military service and future professional careers; with this goal being ranked among the top priorities by the national academic communities. The study was designed to contribute to this mission by an academic test system to select prospects for Greco-Roman wrestling sport groups at technical university based on the background fitness rating tests. Sampled for the new test system piloting experiment were the first-year male students (n=40) split up into Experimental (EG) and Reference (RG) Groups of 20 people each.
The EG progress was tested over a yearly academic training cycle on a regular basis to adjust the training process as required by the individual physical progress paths. The RG was trained as required by the standard curriculum without primary/ progress physicality tests. The test system piloting experiment showed the academic progress test system being highly beneficial for selection of prospects for the Greco-Roman wrestling sport groups, training process design and management purposes and motivation of students for sport careers

Keywords: Greco-Roman wrestling, academic progress tests, selection, university students.


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