Directions of application of innovative technologies in physical education and sports at the university on the example of table tennis


Dr. Hab., Professor G.V. Barchukova1
Postgraduate student Cao Rui1
1Russian University of Sport (SCOLIPE), Moscow

Keywords: physical culture, sports, university students, modern educational technologies, innovative approaches in table tennis classes, improving physical performance and motor activity of students.

Introduction. The problems of physical fitness of students and their state of health are constantly in the field of view of scientists and specialists [1]. As a rule, studying at universities is associated with the performance of an academic load that requires significant stress on various systems and functions of the body, which is reflected in the level of physical conditions of students and manifests itself in a decrease in their motor activity.
The implementation of physical education programs in universities does not always give a positive result, which forces specialists to look for new forms and methods of organizing physical culture and sports work with students, to study the needs of young people in various sports, to search for effective options for their use in academic and non-academic forms of classes.
The purpose of the study is to substantiate innovative forms and means of physical education of students in extracurricular physical education and sports on the example of table tennis.
Methodology and organization of the study. When developing approaches to improving the effectiveness of physical education classes on the example of the elective discipline "Table Tennis", the following modern technologies of physical culture and education were used: health-saving educational technologies, personality-oriented technologies, information and communication technologies and technologies of differentiated physical education [2].
The results of the study and their discussion. When conducting table tennis classes within the framework of the elective discipline "Physical Culture", in order to increase their effectiveness, it is proposed to focus on the following components: motivational-consumer, organizational-managerial, educational and control-evaluation. In this regard, the use of the following innovative approaches is recommended in the construction of table tennis training sessions:
When planning and conducting classes, take into account the motivational consumer values of students and form appropriate attitudes for performing educational tasks.
Plan the training and improvement of the technique of the game and the education of physical qualities of students, taking into account the heterochronous recovery of various body functions during the lesson, as well as in a weekly and monthly cycle.
In the practical lesson of table tennis in the framework of the elective discipline "Physical culture" include a variety of means of different orientation and load.
In the main part of the practical lesson, it is recommended to divide students into groups, taking into account their interests, to perform exercises on OFP and SFP, to perform game exercises on the table and games on account in single and pair play. In these groups, students complete tasks for 15-20 minutes, then change. This will allow, taking into account the interests of those involved, to diversify the content of the training session and increase its intensity.
Carry out planning and accounting of independent classes of students, carried out in the form of exercises, independent table tennis lessons during extracurricular time, as well as independent classes in OFP, etc. At the same time, it is advisable to regularly test students once a month according to generally accepted tests and check the diary of independent study loads, in which students note the tasks they have completed and the time of their completion.
Conclusion. The application of the proposed innovative approaches in table tennis classes will contribute to improving physical performance, preserving and strengthening the health of students and increasing their motor activity, as well as the formation of a healthy lifestyle and engaged.


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