Modern opportunities for the development of yachting in the context of the modernization of yacht infrastructure


PhD, Associate Professor E.A. Panina1
PhD, Associate Professor F.R. Khatit2
PhD, Associate Professor Z.K. Kahuzheva2
PhD, Associate Professor R.K. Simbuletova2
1Maikop State Technological University, Maikop
2Adyghe State University, Maikop

Objective of the study was to substantiate the possibilities for the development of yachting in the Krasnodar Territory in the context of the modernization of the yachting infrastructure.
Methods and structure of the study. To solve the problems of sociological research, a quota sample (n=225) was used, which included sailing specialists, teachers, members of public organizations and yacht clubs of the Krasnodar Territory aged 18-65 years. The survey is aimed at identifying respondents' criteria for involvement in the field of yachting, the dominant motives for engaging in yachting, preferred types of services in yacht clubs and sources of information about the functioning of this sector, their own opinion about the level of development and problems of yachting in the region. Telegram messenger was used to conduct the survey.
Results and conclusions. The scientific work allowed to accumulate information concerning the key factors in the development of yachting in the region, which made it possible to substantiate possible guidelines for its improvement in the context of the ongoing modernization of the yachting infrastructure. The results of the study carried out are of theoretical significance for determining the criteria parameters for the functioning of yachting. The information obtained can be used in the practical activities of scientific organizations, executive authorities for a more complete assessment of the state of yachting and the development of federal and regional programs for its development.

Keywords: yachting, yacht infrastructure, Krasnodar Territory, sociological research, problems of functioning of yachting.


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