Benefits of physical exercises for bronchial asthma therapy


Associate Professor, Professor I.I. Mikhail1
Associate Professor, PhD A.A. Prokhorenko1
Associate Professor, PhD A.E. Baturin2
Associate Professor D.A. Kamensky3
1Budyonny Military Academy of the Signal Corps, St. Petersburg
2St. Petersburg Academy of the Investigative Department, St. Petersburg
3North-Western State Medical University named after I.I. Mechnikov, St. Petersburg

Objective of the study was to analyze benefits of an aerobic physical training model for bronchial asthma therapy, working capacity and life quality
Methods and structure of the study. We made a comprehensive overview of the reference literature to analyze benefits of special physical education practices for people diagnosed with bronchial asthma. Then we tested the new aerobic physical training model on a sample of bronchial-asthma-diagnosed 9+ year-old patients (n=24) at the Elizabethan Hospital (St. Petersburg) and Regional Hospital No. 1 in Pionersky, Kaliningrad Region (n=63). The sample was subject to the experimental 30-40min aerobic physical training practices run six-plus times for two weeks, with the aerobic physical training course taking 4-6 weeks in total.
Results and conclusion. The aerobic physical training model was tested beneficial for the bronchial asthma sample as verified by improvements in cardiopulmonary function and working capacity, conditional on efficient psychological support service to mitigate fears of asthma attacks and shortness of breath.

Keywords: bronchial asthma, physical activity, rehabilitation.


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