Role of mass media in popularization of physical education and sports



Associate Professor J. Polishkene1
Associate Professor Z.Kh. Nizametdinova1
K. Polishkite2
1Financal University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow
2Russian State University of Physical Education, Sports, Youth and Tourism (SCOLIPE), Moscow

Based on the importance of the role of mass media in sports events, objective of the study was to assess the role of mass media in the field of sports. In the course of work we studied scientific articles, periodical articles, statistical data, official information about mass media in the field of sports, etc. We also analyzed the sports shows broadcast on the main federal channels.
The analysis revealed that the most active players in the mass media market are television and advertising mass media, the press, the Internet, and the radio. These types of mass media attract major funds and investments to the sporting goods and services market.
The authors note that a number of measures are currently being taken in the Russian Federation to increase the propaganda of physical education and sports in the mass media: specialized sports channels have been created that are focused on covering the development of physical culture and sport in the country, specialized print publications for disabled athletes and sports veterans have begun to be issued. In order to involve young people into physical education and sports activities, promote a healthy lifestyle, the power of the Internet has begun to be used more actively.

Keywords: mass media, sports events, revenue, innovation.


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