Sportization of Physical Education of Students with Health Limitations and Disability in Form of Academic Mobility



Dr.Hab., Professor S.A. Gilmanov1
Dr.Hab., Associate Professor V.A. Mishchenko1
PhD, Associate Professor E.A. Kukuev2
PhD, Associate Professor V.A. Lobova1
1Yugra State University, Khanty-Mansiysk
2Tyumen State University, Tyumen

Objective of the study was to scientifically substantiate the application of information and communication technologies for effective organization of sportizated forms of lessons for university students with health limitations and disabilities.
Methods and structure of the study. The authors note that there is a number of prerequisites for application of information and communication technologies in the process of sportization of physical education of university students with health limitations and disabilities: the inclusive education IT database maintenance is legislatively justified, as  educational institutions today have well-trained specialists in the field of information and communication technologies, departments collaborate with various specialists in the field of innovative integrated projects targeted to use information and communication technologies in the process of sportization of physical education.
Results of the study. The authors suggest the ways to apply information and communication technologies in the process of sportization of students with health limitations and disabilities: invention of electronic devices enabling to develop physical abilities in students with health limitations and disabilities; development of computer versions of sports games, which give the opportunity to learn and acquire the primary skills of real participation in such games; appearance of electronic pages that allow communicating, organizing competitions, carrying out sports-related social projects, etc. Information and communication technologies can be considered as a modern means to ensure academic mobility of students with health limitations and disabilities, especially in terms of formation of students' sports culture.
Conclusion. Sportization of physical education of students with health limitations and disabilities can mainly be carried out in extracurricular time. However, it is possible to implement the sportizated physical education model in universities when teaching physical education disciplines and disciplines related to information and communication technologies, workshops and elective courses.

Keywords: sportization, students with health limitations and disabilities, inclusive education, academic mobility, e-sports, computer sports.


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