Physical Education and Sport Specialist Training Strategy in South of Russia



PhD, Associate Professor N.V. Chertov1
PhD, Associate Professor T.A. Stepanova1
Associate Professor O.V. Chertov1
PhD, Associate Professor V.L. Fomin1
1Southern Federal University, Rostov-on-Don

Objective of the study was to identify aspects of implementation of specialist training strategy in the sphere of physical culture and sport in the Rostov Region.
Methods and structure of the study. The research methods applied in the study involved an analysis of scientific and methodological literature, analysis of document and archive materials, expert assessment.
Results of the study. Based on the study data and analysis, the authors identified the problems of the education service market in the sphere of physical culture and sport in the Rostov Region. Thus, they focused on a specialist training strategy in the sphere of physical culture and sport developed at the Academy of Physical Culture and Sport of the Southern Federal University. Implementation of this strategy implies working on the ideological and technological solutions aimed to improve quality of specialist training in this field. The essence of ideological solutions consists in cultivating an appropriate image of a quality physical education system, enabling to relatively quickly receive relevant scientific and methodological recommendations in various physical culture and sport activities, as well as economic feasibility and sufficiency with no pronounced commercialization. As an example of constructive technological solutions, the authors set the core activity of Rostov Academy of Physical Culture and Sport aimed at creating a research and educational center following the principle of full cost-recovery, developing continuing education programs, professional retraining, etc.
Conclusion. Clearly expressed ideology and strategy of actions enable to get a self-sufficient and evolving system that would help address the challenges of personnel training in the field of physical culture and sport, scientific and methodological support, training of top-qualification personnel, etc. The activity of the Academy of Physical Culture and Sport of the Southern Federal University can provide a valuable example.

Keywords: specialist training strategy, physical culture and sport, levels and forms of training, continuity of education.


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