On legal definition of doping drugs in sports concept



M.V. Degtyarev
State Duma Committee on Physical Culture, Sports, Tourism and Youth Affairs, Moscow

Public administration and policy in the field of prevention and interdiction of illegal use of doping drugs in sports within the framework of the modern paradigmatic approach are characterized by exhaustibility of their administrative potential, limits to growth of law enforcement efficiency, administration effectiveness and effectiveness of restrictive measures.
The present article is devoted to the study of the possibilities to develop conceptual approaches to a legal definition of the concept of "doping drugs in sports".
The author explains that the public administration in the field of prevention and interdiction of illegal use of doping drugs in sports within the framework of the modern paradigmatic approach is characterized by exhaustibility of its administrative potential, limits to growth of law enforcement efficiency, administration effectiveness and effectiveness of restrictive measures. The article describes the author’s range of the regulatory and empiric materials necessary for the development of a theoretical foundation for a homologated (for new challenges and requirements) legal definition of the concept of "doping drugs in sports" and the author’s legal definition of this concept. The legal framework for the study was created by the legislation of 33 foreign countries. The empirical framework of the study was created by the judicial practice of 16 foreign countries. Based on the above legal and empirical frameworks and using the methods indicated at the beginning of the article, the author defined a creator-owned conceptual and in-depth legal definition of the concept of "doping drugs in sports", which can significantly improve the public administration in this area.

Keywords: doping in sports, public administration in the field of sports, anti-doping control in sports, sports, administrative law.


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