Tomsk international marathon: prospects for top-ranking athletic event in Russian Asia



Postgraduate student A.A. Gordievskikh1
Dr.Med. T.A. Shilko1
1National Research Tomsk State University, Tomsk

Modern sports are considered instrumental for the human resource development, life quality improvement and healthy lifestyle promotion initiatives as they have evolved into a socio-economic sector with its training and competitive subsectors. Sports are known to facilitate upbringing, social cohesion, personality development and assertion, lifestyle formation and healthy lifestyle cultivation projects in every population group. The study analyses promises of the Tomsk International Marathon as the potential top-ranking athletic event. We analyzed the local potential that may be mobilized to meet the formal criteria for hosting the road marathon event including: national/ international AIMS/IAAF distance compliance certificate; compliance of the safety system to the relevant running track standards for the events listed in the National Calendar of the Russian Athletics Federation or the Quality and Safety Standards of the European Athletics Association (Running4All system).
The study data and analyses show that the regional resources, geographic location, history, cultural heritage, research and innovative resources and the Tomsk being known as one of the national key academic centers – give grounds to successfully host the top-ranking international athletics event as required by the AIMS. The local resources including the cultural and tourist service components may be beneficially used to encourage the sport communication and demonstrate excellent cooperation and service model in the situation when the Russian Athletics Federation membership is suspended in IAAF and EAA.

Keywords: international marathon, academic center, healthy lifestyle, socio-cultural domain.


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