Muay thai in Russia: current state, prospects and problems of development



PhD, Associate Professor M.Yu. Stepanov1
PhD, Associate Professor I.V. Demin1
D.A. Putilin1
1Tchaikovsky State Institute of Physical Culture, Tchaikovsky

Objective of the study was to analyze Russian Muay Thai at the modern stage of development.
Results of the study and conclusions. From the 1990s to the present, there has been a number of historical events in the work of the Russian Muaythai Federation, which have been affecting the competitive success rate. In Russia, Thai boxing is recognized as an official sport. In 1996, the All-Russian public organization "Russian Muay Thai Federation" was founded. In 2019, new Thai boxing disciplines appeared: Muay Thai and Pro-Amat. Regional Thai boxing federations are accredited in 61 constituent entities of the Russian Federation. Specialists in the field of Thai boxing are trained in specialized universities. To date, the Russian Muay Thai Federation athletes have participated in many world competitions.
The authors note that successful performance of the Russian team largely depends on the well-coordinated cooperation of the Sports Federation of Thai Boxing – Muay Thai of Russia with the international organizations, coaching staff, national team, Federal Bio- Medical Agency, Interdisciplinary Research Team, Russian Student Sports Union, ZAO "Stroyservis" and other public organizations.
At the same time, the Sports Federation of Thai Boxing – Muay Thai of Russia stands in need of working on the identification of model characteristics of functional fitness of the Russian team members and on the unification of the methods of evaluation of their functional state and functional fitness; duration and frequency of evaluation; development of a methodological guideline to the certificate of each Khan; development of a system for assessing the manifestations of specific motor qualities.
The authors conclude that the high level of sports achievements, as the outcome of work of the Russian Muay Thai Federation, is largely owing to the coordinated work of its structures. However, to maintain the leading position of Thai boxing it is necessary to rely on the scientifically substantiated training support for both elite athletes and sport reserve..

Keywords: All-Russian public organization, Sports Federation of Thai Boxing – Muay Thai of Russia (SFTBMTR), International Federation of Muaythai Associations (IFMTA), European Muaythai Federation (EMF), International World Games Association (IWGA), Russian Union of Martial Arts (RUMA).


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